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Handle any necessary absences with professionalism and courtesy.

Avoid turning work in late. Class discussions and peer responses, unfortunately, cannot be made up. If you need to negotiate the dates for the Practice Exam or any assignments contributing to the Rhetor Chronicles project, do so at least 24 hours prior to the due date and get my confirmation in writing. 

Confidentiality, courtesy, and respect are crucial to sustaining our relationships.

Incompletes will be given only in the event of an emergency. These are reserved for students who have completed the work all semester successfully and have an extenuating circumstance (death in the family, serious illness, etc.) which prevents them from completing the work by the end of the semester. 

Please retain all of your work until final grades are posted.

I reserve the right to act accordingly and take necessary actions in case of any ‘disrespectful’ situation including discriminatory, sexist, and hateful comments.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism/Dishonesty. At UTEP, consequences for plagiarism, fabrication, and collusion include disciplinary probation, a failing grade for an exam/assignment/course, suspension, and expulsion. If you are unsure what these are, it is better to ask than to risk it. See

Communication and Collaboration:

Make the most of the active dialogue approach embedded in the seminar structure of the course.

Open Blackboard and check your emails as frequently as you can to stay on top of announcements, discussions, and assignments.

While Blackboard is our main interface, the Google Drive for this class is the interface for you to access the pdf readings for each week.

Treat your peers and me with respect, even if our worldviews, values, and opinions are wildly different from yours. Please be tolerant and respectful of others.

If there is something going on in your life that is affecting your work, please let me know as soon as possible. If you do not understand a concept or assignment, or if you are having trouble completing an assignment, please let me know so I can work with you to help you.

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