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Grading Scale:

A: 90%-100%  B: 80%-89%  C: 70%-79%  D: 60%-69% F: 59% and below 


Adapted from a rubric by Dr. Angela Eaton:

90-100, Superior. The document exceeds assignment objectives. The purpose of the document is clearly evidenced, and the content is ideally suited for the audience. Information presented in a way that is sophisticated, thorough, ethical, and robust. Readability: Organization is logical. Document design is appropriate. Together they make the document understandable, accessible, usable. Mechanics and grammar are correct.

80-90, Good. The document meets assignment objectives; yet it requires minor improvements in one or two areas: depth, organization, design, style, grammar, or mechanics.

70-80, Adequate. The document meets the minimum requirements for the assignment but omits useful information or requires significant improvements in more than two areas: depth, organization, design, style, grammar, or mechanics.

60-70, Disappointing. The document meets some of the minimum requirements for the assignment but ignores others, omitting useful information. The discussion is inadequately developed and requires significant improvements in more than two areas: depth, organization, design, style, grammar, or mechanics.

0-60, Unsatisfactory. The document omits critical information, does something other than what the assignment required, or displays excessive errors in organization, design, style, grammar, or mechanics.

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