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Rather than telling you exactly what you will have learned by the end of the semester, I invite you to engage with this class as an opportunity to learn and grow as rhetoricians and understand how to participate in life-long studies of rhetoric. Our general objective in this course for you, and also me, to

1) Articulate a well-informed position on the development, significance, and status of (A) rhetoric across multiple geo-cultural contexts and (B) key rhetorical concepts (e.g., epistemology, ontology, gender, race, ethics, discourse, audience, purpose, style, delivery, arrangement, invention, eloquence, genres)

2) Complete critical, creative, and intellectual projects that engage with multicultural histories of rhetorical traditions that utilize concepts and readings from and beyond this course. 

To accomplish these general goals, we will survey and examine primary texts from the 16th to the present. We will utilize secondary texts to understand the changing contexts (temporal, geographic, political, religious, etc.) and engage in critical rhetorical encounters both in and out of class. These rhetorical encounters will support our independent research in completing both the chronicle projects and the trace paper. 

Course Outcomes: About Us
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